Tips To Quickly Increase Your Amazon Listing Traffic

As one of the largest eCommerce platforms in the world, Amazon currently has around 1.9 million selling partners. Even though not all these sellers compete in your product category, getting potential customers to click on your Amazon listings can be challenging.

In this guide, our team at Click Fluency discusses tips you can follow to increase your Amazon listing traffic and product sales.

Optimize Your Product Image

Your product image is a crucial element of your Amazon listing. A high-resolution and professional main image conveys quality and incentivizes scrollers to click on your listing.

The main product image should show your product from a unique angle to stand out from competing listings.

Use Relevant Keywords

Incorporate valuable keywords into your product listing to rank for customer searches on Amazon and generate internal traffic.

You can find lucrative keywords that will improve your search relevancy by typing a primary keyword into the Amazon search bar. You will see a list of autocomplete suggestions consisting of previous searches.

As part of your Amazon SEO strategy, add high-value keywords to your listing’s:

· Product title

· Bullet points

· Product description

· Hidden keyword field

Optimize Your Listing Title

Many Amazon sellers write keyword-stuffed titles to improve their organic rankings. However, even though a keyword-rich title is an Amazon ranking factor, your title is more important as a conversion element.

In other words, you should write your title for humans, not Amazon’s algorithm. Your title should also reveal the product’s primary unique selling point.

If your main image and title are engaging, you will find it easier to get clicks. In turn, this will boost your Amazon search rankings and drive traffic.

Review Your Product Pricing

Product pricing has a significant effect on your Amazon listing traffic volumes. If your price is too high, you will lose prospective buyers to competitors. On the other hand, buyers might believe your product has a quality issue if your pricing is too low.

An effective way to determine the right price for your product is to look at the pricing of the top Amazon sellers in the same category.

If your listing is new with few or no reviews, reduce your price somewhat to gain traction. Once your listing’s visibility increases, you can stop competing on price.

Check Your Listing’s Suppressed Status

Amazon might suppress a product listing that doesn’t comply with all the rules. By suppressing your listing, Amazon reduces your ranking, which means you get less traffic and sales.

To check whether you have suppressed product listings, open Seller Central and select Manage Inventory under the Inventory menu. The Suppressed category will appear in the top navigational pane if you have any suppressed listings.

If you have a suppressed listing, open the Amazon Product Summary page to get a breakdown of all the listing’s quality issues, then resolve them.

Drive External Traffic to Your Listing

Driving external traffic to your Amazon listings can be a great way to generate more sales. However, you don’t want to drive external traffic to competitors’ listings in the “Products related to this item” section.

Before you implement non-Amazon marketing efforts, fully optimize your product listing with:

· High-resolution images

· A compelling title that conveys added value

· An engaging description and bullet points

Your listing should have at least 15 reviews to maximize the organic sales velocity from external traffic. You should also send external traffic to your Amazon store or a landing page, where visitors can’t click on your competitor’s native ads.

Run Amazon-sponsored Display Ads

Are you a vendor or seller who enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry? With the Sponsored Display advertising solution, you can buy and create display ads on a cost-per-click or cost-per-thousand-viewable-impressions basis.

These sponsored ads appear on the Amazon home page, the shopping search results, and third-party websites and apps.

Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads

Social media ads, such as those on Facebook and Instagram, are effective external traffic sources. With a Facebook ad, you can fine-tune your ad campaign’s audience and target people who need your products.

You can also launch an ad campaign from your Google Ads account to move your listings to the top of the search engine results page and generate more traffic.

Using Google AdWords, send external traffic to a landing page to warm visitors to your offer and maximize your conversion rate.

Implement a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media platforms, such as your Facebook page, are free sources of organic traffic to your Amazon listings. Social media allows you to interact with your target market and build brand awareness.

Directing a loyal following to your product listings gives you a competitive advantage and makes it easy to generate sales. You can also combine this tactic with another digital marketing strategy, such as content marketing.

Launch an Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is another great tactic for building relationships with members of your target market.

Amazon doesn’t give sellers access to customer emails, but you can build an email list by marketing a free lead magnet with a sales funnel. For example, you can use a sponsored ad to give out a free eBook or cheat sheet in exchange for your leads’ email addresses.

Drive Traffic From Affiliate Blogs

Bloggers or influencers who market products as part of the Amazon Associates Program can be sources of external traffic to your listings. Find an affiliate marketer within your niche, and ask them to review or market your product.

A content creator will add an affiliate link to your listing in their blog posts or YouTube video descriptions, then earn a commission when someone purchases the item via the link. This strategy is particularly effective if you sell branded products.

Learn More About Driving Traffic to Your Amazon Business

At Click Fluency, we can help you leverage search engines, ad campaigns, and listing optimization to grow your Amazon listing traffic. If you need valuable insights to maximize your conversion rates and sales, look no further than our team. Contact us today to set up a free discovery call.

Imagine looking at your Amazon account and:

• Seeing a higher return on ad spend
• Not worrying about issues with your seller account because it’s handled by experts
• Feeling in control of your Amazon success
• Spending less time on the complexities

All of this, and so much more, happens when you work with Click Fluency. Schedule a call today to get started.