7 Benefits of Hiring an Amazon Business Consultant

Sales on Amazon were huge in 2020 and statistics indicate that trend should continue. Fortune magazine ranks Amazon second in the Fortune 500 with $386 billion in sales and 200 million subscribers in its Prime service. Competition is fierce to get your products to stand out on Amazon and it is difficult to navigate the best way to do it on your own. Thankfully, help is available from an Amazon business consultant.

What is an Amazon Business Consultant?

An Amazon business consultant specializes in helping companies of all sizes achieve their maximum sales potential when selling their products on Amazon. Here are seven benefits hiring one offers your company.

Provide Expert Guidance

Consultants provide expert guidance on the best way to sell your products on Amazon due to their years of sales experience on the platform. That means you take advantage of their knowledge gained through the costly mistakes of others instead of losing your own money.

Because they specialize in Amazon sales, they know the channel inside and out and all the fine details needed to boost sales. They keep current on any changes and new features to Amazon and adjust your strategy to take advantage of them. This frees up your company’s resources from trying to figure out the best sales strategy on your own.

Build Your Brand Presence on Amazon

You may not know the best way to promote your company’s brand on Amazon, but these pros do. They take the time to learn about your business and products and make sure they are promoted accurately on the platform so customers see what makes your company stand out from the others. The goal is to get more visibility for your business to bring in more customers and sales.

Create a Business Plan Focused on Growth

If you are already selling on Amazon, the consultant analyzes everything about your account to see where it stands. This includes evaluating your product pages to ensure users get the best experience whenever they visit them. It also involves taking a deep dive into your sales and page analytics to determine what is bringing in sales and what isn’t. The consultant uses all this data to create a customized business plan for your company to increase your Amazon sales.  

Develop an Amazon Marketing Strategy

A key part of your new business plan is the marketing strategy. Amazon Advertising can be confusing, especially to a beginner. There are several avenues available and choosing the wrong one can become a costly mistake. Your consultant educates you on the best way to advertise your product on the platform.

These pros know the SEO keywords that work in Google advertisements don’t work on Amazon. They know how to use Amazon’s consumer data to help you buy display ads that target interested customers. The consultant knows the right campaigns to sell your products and get you a great return on your advertising dollars.

The plan’s effectiveness is gauged by the sales analytics available to every Amazon seller. Your consultant will teach you how to read and understand these reports so you can identify what products are selling and which ones you need to discontinue.

Build Enticing Product Pages

It is not easy to build product pages that entice a customer to stop in for a visit and stick around to learn what the product does. The copy needs to be presented in an eye-catching way with words that effectively describe the product’s features and benefits. Bullet points get the attention of skimmers and surfers to your page. Your pro knows the best way to market your product on the page.

You may not have thought much about the images in your ads, but your Amazon business consultant has done split-testing on hundreds of images and will share that knowledge with you. The goal is to use an image that clearly conveys what the product does so that reading the copy may not be necessary. Your pro also knows when to add an infographic or a chart to better promote the product.

Help You Get Product Reviews

We all know reviews are crucial in convincing a customer to buy your product. Most Amazon shoppers filter their search for products ranked four stars or higher when looking for a product. They read a few of the reviews before moving the product to the shopping cart.

Getting reviews as a new Amazon seller or with a new product can be difficult. Thankfully, your consultant knows how to help here as well by using the Amazon Vine program to have participants try out your product and post a review about it.

Teach You How To Handle Negative Reviews

Once the reviews start rolling in, you need to learn how to manage the inevitable negative ones. The first step is realizing pleasing every customer is beyond your control, but you can manage how you respond to them. Consultants educate you on how to respond in a professional manner by acknowledging the review publicly and contacting the customer privately via email to resolve the issue. After the resolution, the reviewer may change the review to a positive one.

Responding to any negative reviews immediately is crucial to keep them from damaging your sales. Your pro will set up a system so you or a dedicated member of your staff is notified when a bad review is posted so you can respond immediately.

Hiring an experienced Amazon business consultant helps your company tell the over 200 million Amazon customers about the features and benefits of your products. The professional guidance you receive helps you implement a business and marketing plan designed to increase your brand awareness and increase sales.

Hire a Successful Amazon Business Consultant Today

At Click Fluency, we have the knowledge and experience to help your health and beauty company increase its visibility on Amazon and reach more customers. The brands we consult with see an average of 119% increase in sales in a 12-month period. Contact us today to put our expert Amazon business consultant knowledge to work for your company!







Imagine looking at your Amazon account and:

• Seeing a higher return on ad spend
• Not worrying about issues with your seller account because it’s handled by experts
• Feeling in control of your Amazon success
• Spending less time on the complexities

All of this, and so much more, happens when you work with Click Fluency. Schedule a call today to get started.