What Is Amazon A+ Content for Sellers?

With so many sellers on Amazon, you need to leverage every opportunity to stand out from the crowd if you want your online business to be successful in the marketplace. One of the opportunities you have to distinguish yourself from other sellers is Amazon A+ content. This custom production description tool can help you get more sales from your Amazon listing traffic.

What is Amazon A+ content? In this blog post, we’ll answer that question and expand on why A+ content is valuable for sellers, how to get started, and tips for optimizing your content. 

What Is Amazon A+ Content?

Amazon A+ Content is a tool you can find and use within Seller Central. It allows you to create descriptive, visually appealing product descriptions for your product details pages, helping you stand out from your competitors. 

The basic product description section has a 2,000-character limit and doesn’t allow images or graphics, but using Amazon A+ content gives you the option to add modules with images, text, comparison charts, and more. 

You can also use Amazon A+ Content to create a Brand Story, a new section that will appear above your product descriptions across all the product pages under your brand. 

Benefits of Using Amazon A+ Content

Amazon A+ Content enhances your products and overall brand, providing benefits like the following:

Boost Conversion Rate

When customers view your product pages, they’re much more likely to browse well-designed graphics describing your product than read a block of text. An eye-catching product description could be the difference that makes the sale when a shopper compares their options. 

With Amazon A+ Content, your ad clicks convert to sales more often, leading to more positive reviews and higher search result rankings. Combined with a strong pay-per-click (PPC) advertising strategy, A+ content can significantly boost your brand’s growth. 

Grow Brand Awareness

With the A+ Content Brand Story tool, you can share your logo, brand description, unique selling propositions (USPs), etc., on all your product pages to grow brand recognition. When shoppers are more aware of your brand, you have a greater chance of gaining loyal customers who keep coming back to buy your products. 

Improve Customer Engagement

Even if someone clicks on your ad, it doesn’t guarantee they’ll spend time looking at your product, much less make a purchase. With Amazon A+ Content, you can use videos, pictures, and detailed infographics to immerse your customers in your products. 

Engaging visuals and descriptions will encourage shoppers to keep scrolling through your product details, increasing the chance they come across a benefit or feature that prompts them to click “Add to Cart.”

Increase Customer Satisfaction

One of the ways Amazon A+ Content can help your store is by reducing your negative feedback and returns, particularly when customers purchase your product and it doesn’t meet their needs. 

With a basic product description, it can be difficult to absorb all relevant information in a block of text. A customer might buy one of your products and find out it’s the wrong size, triggering a return. Enhanced product descriptions allow customers to see what to expect from a product more easily.

Who Can Create Amazon A+ Content?

Brands that have registered with Amazon’s Brand Registry program can use Amazon A+ Content for their product detail pages for free. To be eligible, you must have a registered and active trademark on your products. 

How To Get Started With Creating Amazon A+ Content

You can find the Amazon A+ Content tool by going to Seller Central, hovering over the Advertising tab, and selecting A+ Content Manager. Next, you’ll click the button that says, “Start creating A+ content,” then choose the type of content you want to create, whether a basic description or a Brand Story. 

The basic A+ Content product description allows you to add up to five modules per page layout, and you can choose from 17 module designs, such as an image header with text or a comparison chart. 

Tips for Optimizing Your A+ Content

To get the most out of your A+ Content, follow our tips for optimization:

Show Off Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

This dynamic content is a chance for you to highlight why your products are better than all the other options available on the marketplace. You can add images to make your product more appealing to your target audience and use videos to display it in action. 

Keep Your A+ Content Concise

One of the benefits of A+ Content is that it’s easier for customers to take in the information on your product, so you shouldn’t go overboard by adding too much text or visual data. It’s best to make your content simple and easy to understand for shoppers rapidly browsing through products. 

Use Captivating Graphics and Images

If you aren’t an experienced graphic designer, you might consider working with a digital marketing agency that can supply high-quality graphics for your A+ content. You can upstage your competitors by checking out their A+ Content and investing in something better for your products.

Use images that draw the eye and convey the details of your products in an interesting way. This will ensure your target audience understands exactly what your product is and what it does.

Be Consistent With Your Brand Personality

With A+ Content, you can convey your brand image and personality through product description graphics, helping build awareness and increase customer loyalty. Your product descriptions should be consistent with your Brand Story, supplying a continuous narrative of your brand and products. 

Get More Sales With Impressive Amazon A+ Content

Now that you know the answer to your question, “What is Amazon A+ content?” you can start optimizing your product descriptions to get more conversions today.

At Click Fluency, we help convert more buyers for Amazon brand owners by improving product listings with quality images, copy, and A+ Content. We’ll help you create a content strategy that takes your Amazon store to the next level. 

Schedule a call now.

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